
Pilot program №3 (Bishkek and Chui oblast)

As part of the preparation of Pilot No. 3, the Consultant and representatives of the State Enterprise PC performed the following activities:
• Development and approval of Pilot program No. 3;
• Preparation of appropriate instructions for OS operators to train existing / new products and services offered by the Consultant and approved by the State Enterprie "Kyrgyz Post";
• Visiting branches and liaison offices for carrying out project activities, as well as providing monitoring and monitoring;
• Development of proposals to improve the quality of customer service OS;
• Provision of services for the provision of financial services under the Pilot No. 3 program to customers in working order;
• Preparation and transfer of operational instructions for the provision of financial products and services to trained personnel (after the creation of the automated postal system of the GP of the PC, operational instructions should be revised):
- Instructions for accepting all types of payments,
- Instruction on the reception and payment of remittances.

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