
Customs Modernization and Infrastructure Development Project PPTA: TAJ36001-01

01.08.2003 - 31.03.2005


Overall project value (EUR)500000 USD
No. of staff providedA total of 8 MM Local: - ICT Specialist (4 MM); - Civil Engineer (2 MM); - Financial Analyst (2 MM).
Name of ClientMinistry of Finance
Financing agencyAsian Development Bank (ADB)
Name of partnersSchlumberger Sema (Belgium)
Detailed Narrative Description of ProjectThis TA grant was a part of the clustered sector development program (SDP) for Tajikistan to support reforms and modernization of customs services as an integral component of the ongoing structural reform process. The key problem of Tajikistan customs were (i) poor governance, lack of transparency and insufficient institutional capability at customs; (ii) inadequate legal and regulatory framework; (iii) low operational efficiency, poor revenue collection and complex procedures; and (iv) ineffective mechanism and poor regional cooperation. It was believed that this assistance would promote operative consistency, promptness and improve institutional capabilities. The objectives of the PPTA were to support the implementation of the reforms envisaged under the first phase of the program and to prepare the investment component for the second phase of the program. The PPTA (i) examined existing policy environment, operational framework and physical infrastructure; (ii) conducted detailed due diligence and needs-assessment of the investment component; (iii) performed technology audits; (iv) prioritized investment activities; (v) developed the action plan for modernization; and (vi) provided justification on investments based on cost-benefits analysis and financial and economic rate of return. It also introduced new operative policies and procedures of international standards to ensure proper function of the customs system after modernization and design in the areas of operational policy, technical skills, behavioral skills and ethics. To sustain the continuity of the reforms, training modules/manuals and the training of trainers were required. Since Tajikistan Customs operate on the front line, specific training and equipment also was needed for combating drug trafficking.
Detailed Narrative Description of Services provided- Examined existing policy environment, operational framework and physical infrastructure;
- Conducted detailed due diligence and needs-assessment of the investment component;
- Performed technology audits;
- Prioritized investment activities;
- Developed the action plan for modernization;
- Provided justifications on investment based on cost benefits analysis and financial and economic rate of return.