
Development of Public Investment Program

01.01.1999 - 01.01.2000


Overall project value (EUR)15000 USD
No. of staff provided3
Name of ClientWorld Bank
Financing agencyWorld Bank (WB)
Name of partnersSodeteg (France)
Detailed Narrative Description of ProjectThe main aim of the project was to strengthen the institutional capacity of the Government for developing public investment program (PIP). CAIConsulting in consortium with SODETEG (France) provided assistance to the Ministry of Economy to develop effective systems, procedures, and database for preparation of Public Investment Program, development of monitoring system and implementation of Public Investment Program, development of system in close consistent with the country’s development priorities and is closely linked to the Government’s budget.
In consultation with Government determine appropriate placement of PIP within Government;
Design & implement appropriate Organizational Structure;
Develop staff training program;
Review existing economic and sector plans, and Government decrees;
Develop macroeconomic framework and sector strategies.
Detailed Narrative Description of Services provided- Participation in development of required effective system and development of mechanisms for monitoring for Public investment Program;
- Development of database and procedures for development of PIP;
- Preparation of full analyses of existing Government budget and development of recommendations;
- Strengthen macroeconomic and sector planning procedures;
- Liaison with other related ministries and organizations.
- Develop system to plan, formulate and monitor PIP;
- Establish linkage to aid and budget;
- Incorporate provincial and line ministries into the process;
- Familiarise officials with aid/project cycles,
Training component
- Participation in development of TNAs for the Ministry of Economy;
- Selection of training centres and preparation of necessary training materials;
- Undertake formal and hands-on training for staff on planning process, project identification, and formulation;