
The Central Asian Education Platform Project (Phase 2)

01.03.2015 - 31.03.2017


Overall project value (EUR)1 400 000 EUR
No. of staff provided3
Name of ClientMinistries of Education CA countries
Financing agencyThe European Community, represented by the Commission of European Communities
Name of partnersGOPA Consultants (Germany) IBF International Consulting (Belgium) Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD)
Detailed Narrative Description of Project

The overall objective of the project is as follows - to contribute to The Central Asian countries programs towards improving the competitiveness and productivity of national economics as well as the capacity for sustainable development in the region. The main purpose is to provide the services required to ensure smooth progress on the implementation of the EU CA Education Platform, supporting  its objectives and activities as agreed between the EU and the Central Asian partners.

Detailed Narrative Description of Services provided

The services provided by Consultant will contribute to the following programme results areas:

1-Europe-Central Asia education sector dialogue improved

2-Quality of mutual multycountry learning improved

3-Experience, lessons learned, best/good practices shared

4-Evidence-based policy approach initiated

5-People-to-people exchange and mutual understanding enhanced

6-Support to the sector approaches  enhanced

7-Support to local stakeholders to better implement reform programmes at all institutional levels improved

8-Capacity of policy makers through analysis and learning enhanced