
Integrated Dairy Productivity Improvement. Implementation of trainings in the field of livestock management for farmers, IDIPIP / ABCC / CS-9 / FIRM

01.03.2019 - 30.05.2021


Overall project value (EUR)
No. of staff provided20 local experts
Name of ClientAgribusiness Competitiveness Center
Financing agencyThe World Bank
Name of partnersTES-Centre
Detailed Narrative Description of Project

The beneficiaries of the project apply the best practices for animal husbandry in general and winter feeding in particular for fodder production, dairy production and breeding of farm animals. As a result of the trainings received, farmers will increase their knowledge and potential, which will further affect the increase in the productivity of dairy households, their financial sustainability, improve the quality of life of small farmers and households, as well as the process of adaptation of farmers to market conditions. Within the framework of the project, work will be carried out to establish close communication between farmers and milk collection points and processors, and milk collection points will be equipped with the necessary equipment to determine the quality of milk.

Detailed Narrative Description of Services provided

Caiconsulting, together with TES-Center, will organize and conduct trainings for the project beneficiaries (farmers) on animal husbandry practices, including improving the milk production of cows, identifying existing milk collection points and establishing links with processing companies. Within the framework of the project, the Consultant will be responsible for the implementation of the following activities:
1.Social mobilization of training groups: 240 training groups of 25 people each (6000 farmers)
2. Teaching groups
3. Development of training modules and training programs
4.Training for trainers
6. Monitoring and Assessment

Support for on-farm improvements in terms of:
(a) Management of feed production and feeding.
(b) Animal breeding and farm management, including: (i) livestock management, general management and organization; (ii) animal health, farm hygiene and pure milk production; (iii) breeding management; and (iv) cleaning, storing and using manure.
(c) Collection, cooling and processing of milk.