
Green Economy and Sustainable Private Sector Development. Value chain promotion in Livestock and Tourism; Development and promotion of new green economic practices

15.04.2021 - 15.04.2023


Overall project value (EUR)750 000 EUR
No. of staff provided
Name of ClientGIZ
Financing agencyGIZ
Name of partnersAFC Consultants (Germany), Helvetas (Switzerland)
Detailed Narrative Description of Project

The project’ aims to create long-term employment and better income opportunities with special attention to employment for young people, women and people with disabilities. The project supports development and implementation of the new green economic approaches and practices in tourism, livestock and fruit and vegetables in Kyrgyzstan. These sectors are part of the National Export Plan and are characterized with high potential for employment and income generation and promotion of green economic practices and approaches in the country. The project strengthens the partner system at all three levels (macro: implementation of green policy approaches; meso: provision of services and other support for MSMEs; micro: awareness raising for creating demand and incentives for the private sector to shift to green and sustainable business practices). Environmental issues, such as resource efficiency, climate protection; food safety, waste management and social inclusion are within the focus of the project.

Detailed Narrative Description of Services provided

The  Company was responsible for the implementation of value chain/sector promotion measures, including reviewing and adopting green economic practices in the tourism sector, supporting tourism sectoral business associations in developing and promoting green service packages, supporting marketing of both services packages and tourism products in domestic and foreign markets.

In the livestock value chain, the  Company was responsible for the implementation of value chain/sector promotion measures, including development of the value chain, linking and/or strengthening linkages between value chain actors, capacity development of the value chain actors, development and implementation of the green economic practices in the beef value chain, support marketing of sustainable beef value chain products at domestic and/or foreign markets.

In the tourism value chain, the Company was  responsible for the implementation of value chain/sector promotion measures, including reviewing and adopting green economic practices in the tourism sector, supporting tourism sectoral business associations in developing and promoting green service packages, supporting marketing of both services packages and tourism products in domestic and foreign markets.

The Company was responsible to perform the following tasks:

Task 1: Promotion of Livestock Value Chain in Osh oblast:

Task 2: Food safety and quality measures.

Task 3: Marketing strategy for sustainably produced products and services.

Task 4: Green standards and practices.