

CAIConsulting has launched the ARIS project "Support for Local Communities in the Kyrgyz Republic CASA-1000"

   In June of this year, CAIConsulting launched the ARIS project, within the framework of which a baseline study will be carried out on the project "Support to local communities in the Kyrgyz Republic


Farmer's Day was held in Issyk-Kul region on March 17-18. The solemn events were held in the city of Cholpon-Ata and in the village of Teploklyuchenka, Ak-Suu district.

Farmer's Day was held in Issyk-Kul region on March 17-18. The solemn events were held in the city of Cholpon-Ata and in the village of Teploklyuchenka, Ak-Suu district.


CAIConsulting resumes working visits of local consultants after stabilization of the pandemic

   Following the stabilization of the pandemic, which has lasted for more than a year, CAIConsulting has resumed working trips for local consultants. Another working trip was organized to the


CAIConsulting in consortium with the Italian consulting company CESI S.P.A. is implementing the project of the Asian Development Bank “Rehabilitation of the Toktogul HPP. Phase 2 ".

   In December 2019, CAIConsulting in a consortium with the Italian consulting company CESI S.P.A. launched the project of the Asian Development Bank “Rehabilitation of Toktogul HPP. Phase 2 ". The


CAIConsulting together with NAREE International Limited held a Seminar to discuss the intermediate results of the Asian Development Bank project "Preparation of the development program" Reform of the school education sector "

On January 14-15, 2021, at the Burana hotel, CAIConsulting together with NAREE International Limited (China) held a Seminar to discuss the intermediate results of the Asian Development Bank project "Preparation


Small grants to strengthen the capacity of WUAs

   The APNIP project assisted in the development of 30 Agricultural Development Plans (ADPs) in order to provide comprehensive assistance to Water User Associations (WUAs) to acquire the necessary equipment,


CAIConsulting, together with the British company Atkins, started the implementation of the EBRD project “Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) for the Tyup-Karakol Road Reconstruction Project”

   In October 2020, CAIConsulting, together with the British company Atkins, started the implementation of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) project “Environmental and Social


Outdoor trainings due to the COVID-19

     Today, work is in full swing on the implementation of trainings in the framework of the World Bank Integrated Dairy Productivity Improvement Project. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, in recent months,


In May 2020, CAIConsulting, in a consortium with the Chinese consulting company NAREE International Limited, started an implementation of the Asian Development Bank project "Preparing a development program" Reform of the school education sector".

In May 2020, CAIConsulting, in a consortium with the Chinese consulting company NAREE International Limited, started an implementation of the Asian Development Bank project "Preparing a development program" Reform of the school education sector".

During the COVID-19 pandemic, CAIConsulting organized and conducted the first distance trainings for farmers in the Kyrgyz Republic

During the COVID-19 pandemic, CAIConsulting organized and conducted the first distance trainings for farmers in the Kyrgyz Republic